24 de dez. de 2016

Dinheiro traz felicidade?

Neste episódio do Nerdologia vamos responder a pergunta que sempre se repete: dinheiro traz felicidade?


Livros recomendados no Nerdologia: http://goo.gl/pRIHDx

Texto do André no Cognando sobre o tema: http://goo.gl/VpLa9h

Índice de felicidade dos países: http://goo.gl/UVmpQE

Livro citado:
O que nos faz felizes, por Daniel Gilbert

Brickman, Philip, Dan Coates, and Ronnie Janoff-Bulman. "Lottery winners and accident victims: Is happiness relative?." Journal of personality and social psychology 36, no. 8 (1978): 917.

Kahneman, Daniel, Alan B. Krueger, David Schkade, Norbert Schwarz, and Arthur A. Stone. "Would you be happier if you were richer? A focusing illusion." Science 312, no. 5782 (2006): 1908-1910.

Stevenson, Betsey, and Justin Wolfers. Subjective well-being and income: Is there any evidence of satiation?. No. w18992. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013.

Powdthavee, Nattavudh. "Putting a price tag on friends, relatives, and neighbours: Using surveys of life satisfaction to value social relationships." The Journal of Socio-Economics 37, no. 4 (2008): 1459-1480.


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